Okay~! You people have been faithfully supporting all the parts of this long chapter of a girl called Akime. I thank you people for your loyalty :D I love you~!! Those who has been really following this chapter Akime – JiaQi and Tomato – thankyou! I love you both~ now, disclaimer: I really suck at endings… not only endings, I also suck at startings… so please if you feel that the endings suck, please feedback okay. Thankyou once again for those who has been faithfully supporting this one chapter. MUAX to you guys~ oh, by the way, there were some who wanted to read the first version, so after the chapter has ended, I will post a special chapter which is the original. Now, only some would have the original because, some of the chapters concept are rather firm and has not wavered during this periods. And another reason is that cause at least 4/5 of the series has not been written out. Getting the idea is easy but writing it out is rather hard you know… D: By the way, if you had probably forgot, and think that “Ehh, how come this story so short ah? How come only got 5 chapters then end?” Well, in case you forgot, Akime is not the story, is a chapter. And the chapter is broken up into five long enormous parts. So actually, Akime is about 24pages long (part 1 – 4) if I never split it into parts. So if I never split it into parts, you probably would have a severe headache before you even reach the one fifth mark. Okay, my pre-note is rather long, so now I will stop my notes and proceed with the story. One word: Enjoy!
* the length of the chapter is still not confirmed yet. hope to complete it with the next post (part 5) so that i cant proceed with the second chapter.
+END of Note+
Labels: A.I.S.H.I.T.E.R.U
CHLOÉ / CHLOË, 17 years young. You are a passenger on my raft, don't command me how to steer.
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