Ohayou gozaimasu minna chama~ ogenki desu ka.
HEHe! hello :D long time no post? no its not? okay. GOOD. :D haha. not here to post another chapter but here to tell you people tht /SALAD bowl/ (if u still do not know, this is sgUHU's new name.) has it very first on hold story. and it is? >drumrolls< [Next Hoop] sorry fans of [Next Hoop] promise is to revive it. not promise is tht it will be the same story line.
WHY i'm not continuing [Next Hoop]? because no body is giving me ideas. ANYBODY who wants to contribute any ideas, plz go and email us at
tudou.uhu@gmail.comSo thn, i have anothr news, i have a new story to post tho... have this for e past few years. put it down on pen only last year. started the Hiatus status since middle of las yr. Revived in last year Aug++. died again soon though. now wil be taken out of e dust pile pat clean and put on shelf for presentation and comments! And the story is? [Violin + Piano]! Now, [V+P] is so active in my lil mind tht it have alr cme out with 4+ prequels, an extra story [not confirmed yet] and 1 sequel so expect it to be a long run okay?
catch [Violin + Piano] on /SALAD bowl/ at 2300h sg time :D according to my com clock. now its 2213h. 47mre mins~
/SALAD bowl/
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